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Department of Education

Education is a process of Humanization. The purpose of education is to develop the knowledge, skill and character of the students, over all develops in to a productive citizen and a good human being. The College was established in 1981 with few departments, Education was one of them. Keeping the above purposes in mind, the Education Department of Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir, Howrah strives to achieve its obligation and responsibility towards its students.

At present there are 2 permanent faculty members and one Part time Teacher (SACT-II). One of the senior faculty members holds Ph. D. degree from Kalyani University. The rest of the faculties hold pursuing Ph.D. degree from West Bengal State University and one is M.A in Education from University of Calcutta.

The department provides innovative teaching methods for student enrichment like peer teaching, brainstorming, project work. Modern evaluation techniques are also implemented by the Department like Open book examination, regular class tests and double evaluation. The Department holds periodical parent teacher meetings and gives necessary feedback. Moreover, feedbacks and remarks are also taken from the parents. The Department regularly organizes recreational and extensional activities such as excursion, and co-curricular activities. The students enthusiastically participation Sports and cultural activities and N.S.S. programmes.

Students here are always encouraged to participate in classroom teaching. Our aim is interactive learning rather than passive teaching. The students learn through exploration and self-activity. We believe in child-centric education and hence our students are our main priority. The curriculum is multi-faceted to suit the needs of different kind of students. We aim at providing responsible and well-developed citizens to the society. Thus far we have been successful in this endeavour and hope to continue for years to come.

The students of this department find placement in many domains of work as in corporate offices. The students also work as interns in various corporate and non-corporate sectors. While some opt for the B.Ed. course, others have pursued the Masters in University of Calcutta, Jadavpur University, West Bengal State University, Jadavpur University, Alia University, Dimond Harber Women University, Netaji Subash open University, others. The subject is diverse and enables students to find a place for themselves in various sectors, be it in the area of Human Resource Management, banking or media. Many have taken the Public Service Commission examinations and are successfully placed in government offices. Some of students can put a place can opt are teachers, lecturers, school inspectors, guidance officers, counsellors, educational managers, officers in education department, educational administrators, services in social sectors etc.

  1. Meskat Kamal Molla, HOD & Assistant Professor, B.A(Hons), Education, M.A in Education, B.Ed. M.Ed., Ph.D. (Pursuing)
  2. Madhumita Patra, SACT-II, M.A in Education, B.Ed.


  • Meskat Kamal Molla

    Assistant Professor

    View Profile
  • Madhumita Patra


  1. B.A. Four Years Honours and Honours with Research Program.
  2. B.A. Three Years Multidisciplinary Program.


Program Outcomes (Education Honours)


Critical Evaluation: Critically analyse the reports of various committees and commissions, national policies of education. Students are also encouraged to evaluate the contribution of western and eastern educators and national leaders. They gain mastery over ICT. They also demonstrate their critical thinking through comparing features of the system of education in UK& USA with that of India, techniques of data collection, application of relevant statistical techniques to represent and analyse the data.


Discovery and Exploration: Explore new ideas and thoughts through the application of theoretical knowledge of Education subject and statistical techniques and pedagogical analysis.


Effectual Communication: Students demonstrate their communicational skills through paper presentations on subject as well as various interdisciplinary themes. Students engage in research projects to demonstrate effective communication skills.


Sense of time and space: Relate their understanding of the theories of educational psychology, philosophical and sociological foundations, ICT, Guidance and counselling, Peace and Value education in various classroom situations and societal experiences.


Thinking Skills: Demonstrate thinking skills by analysing, synthesizing, evaluating factual and conceptual educational information from multiple sources and verifying the relevance of various topics by applying them.


Self-Sufficiency and Life-long Learning: Developing self-sufficiency, sincerity, independent thinking as education is a lifelong process for empowering the students to face all challenges in their future endeavours.


Socio-Cultural-political Awareness: The students became aware of socio-cultural-political diversity through analysis of diverse social groups, schools of philosophy, religion, class, caste, culture, role of family and other institutions and agencies.


National Integration, International Understanding and Peace: Develop concern for the society, nation, as well as promote the feelings of internationalism by comparing our education system with that of UK, USA, philosophy of various educators, social and educational reformers. Various educational policies for the eradication of illiteracy, equalization of educational opportunity, UEE, inclusion, National Disintegration, population explosionand so on are taught in order to sensitize the students. Core Philosophy of Indian Constitution is also developed among the students.


Social Interaction: Encouraging students from diverse backgrounds are provided equal opportunity for fulfilment of their needs and interests. Differently Able students are encouraged to interact with other students in an Inclusive environment. To understand the society the students, interact with the members of the society.


Solving current problems:  Acquainting students with the diverse current educational problems and other related issues like SSA, Inclusive education Unemployment, Poverty, National Disintegration and Population explosion.


Inculcating Values and Ethics: Applying the knowledge of education in order to inculcate awareness among students concerning racial and gender equity; human rights issues, social justice and other values as enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution.


Heritage Awareness, Environment Consciousness and Sustainability: Encouraging students to understand various issues related to environment and sustainable development by acquainting them with the diverse causes that lead to social change and progress. Sensitizing the students with the cultural heritage of India in education is another key issue.

Program Specific Outcomes (Education Honours)

PSO1: Students develop a clear idea about the subject Education, like nature, scope and aim of Education, factors, different agencies of education and child centric Education.

PSO2: Students develop knowledge about the details history of Indian Education system.

PSO3: Students gather knowledge about Educational Psychology, theories of psychology and their role and importance & impact in the field of education and education system.

PSO4: Students develop knowledge about basic of Indian as well as Western Philosophy. They also develop knowledge about the importance of different schools of philosophy in the field of Education. PSO5: Students internalize the basic of Sociology, relation between Sociology and Education, theories of Educational Sociology and importance of Educational Sociology in the field of Education.

PSO6: Students develop the concept of an ideal organization in educational institutions, the essential functions of educational management and they understand the different aspects of planning.

PSO7: Students develop the concept of guidance and counselling, various types of Guidance and basic data necessary for Guidance.

PSO8: Students develop an understanding of educational technology, use of computer in education and communication, develop an understanding of ICT & e-learning and they also get acquainted with the instructional techniques and different models of teaching.

PSO9: Students develop an understanding about concept, nature, types and major approaches of curriculum, the relation among curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, understanding about curriculum development and national curriculum framework, 2005, get acquainted with content selection and selected theories in this regard and develop an understanding of evaluation & reform of curriculum.

PSO10: Justifying the difference between adjustment and maladjustment by citing suitable examples and their remedial measures

PSO11: Students understand the meaning of Inclusion and exclusion, types of exclusion and their causes and how to bring about inclusion in different spheres.

 PSO12: Students develop understanding of the concepts of measurement and evaluation in education, process of Evaluation, types of measuring instruments and their uses, concepts of validity and reliability and their importance in educational measurement and principles of test construction. They also understand the criteria of constructing standardized tests and utility of statistics in the field of education.

PSO13: Learners develop the concept of statistics and to develop skill in analysing descriptive measures, concept of Normal Probability Curve and its uses in education, measures of relationship and organize relevant educational data and to represent educational data through graphs and to develop skill in analysing and displaying data.

PSO14: Learners understand the concept of adjustment, maladjustment and some commonly found problem, multi-axial classification of mental disorders, different coping strategies for stressful situation and administration, scoring and interpretation of the psychological test’s behaviour.

PSO15: Students develop a concept of educational research, various steps to be followed for conducting a research and write a research proposal and review research papers.

PSO16: The learners also develop an excellent communication skill, Skill for Democratic Citizenship and related theories, teaching skills, life skill education, peace and value education.

PSO17: Develop consciousness about great educators and their thoughts, gender and society, population explosion and teacher education.

PSO18: The learners develop knowledge about Open and Distance Learning, Human Right Education and women Education.

Course Objectives, Course Outcomes and Programme outcomes

Dept of Education

Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir, Howrah



CC-1: Introduction to Education

Course Objectives:

  1. To conceptualize the meaning of Education with an understanding of nature, scope and aims of education.
  2. Extensive explanation of the four fundamental factors of education and their interrelationship in the realm of education.
  • To generate awareness of the different forms of agencies that conveys and influences education.
  1. To develop a clear understanding of the concept of child- centralism and its functioning through the play way methods
  2. A detailed study of the different play way methods prevalent in the education system

Course Outcomes:

  1. Develop a clear concept about what constitutes Education along with the different aims that are fulfilled through learning. It has helped make students realize the need to develop their inner capacities as individuals along with the need to serve the society as their social responsibility.
  2. Describe Delors Commission and explain clearly the concept of the Four essential pillars of life which constitutes the modern aims of education.
  • Critically analyses the idea of the importance of the different kinds of educational agencies from where they receive their learning, training and instructions. They understood the roleplayed by home, school state and mass media as sources of knowledge.
  1. Develop an idea that education must focus on the child’s total development by maximizing his hereditary possessions supported with the best of environmental features.
  2. Justify why education must focus on the child rather than on the teacher or the medium. Develop a more scientific approach to teaching learning systems.

CC-2:   History of education

Course Objectives:

  1. To acquaint the students with the salient features of education in India during ancient and medieval times.
  2. Develop understanding and analysis of the system of education prevalent before and after Independence in India.
  • Analyzing the contemporary educational issues through the recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commissions and Mudaliar Commission.
  1. Recall the various recommendations of Kothari commissions.
  2. Explain the significance of the National policy in Education.

Course outcomes:

  1. Understand and analyze Macaulay’s minute and the final conclusion of the Oriental and Occidental controversy through Bentinck’s Resolution.
  2. Develop a clear concept of indigenous education through the study of Adam’s Report.
  • Explain the significance of Wood’s Despatch and Hunter Commission in the History of Indian Education.
  1. Analyze Curzon’s policy.  Understand the cause and effect of National Education Movement.
  2. Develop a clear understanding of Gandhi’s Basic Education and the reasons of its failure
  3. Critically analyze the Sadler Commission.
  • Evaluate and verify the recommendations of Radhakrishnan commission and Mudaliar commission.
  • Analyze the various recommendations of Kothari commission.
  1. Assess the significant features of the National Policy of Education in independent India.


CC-3Psychological foundation of education

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand the concept of Psychology and Education and analyze the relation between them.
  2. Understand the various theories in relation to stages of development and their educational significance.
  • Analyze the concept of learning and memorization and theories related to them.
  1. Understand the concepts of Intelligence, its measurement and Emotional Intelligence.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Understood the meaning of Psychology and were able to establish the connection between classroom teaching and the application of psychological methods. They realized that Psychology has a huge and unlimited scope in the education of a child.
  2. Understand the significance of certain psychological aspects.
  • Developed a concept of what constitutes learning through associations, trials and configuration formation through the different learning theories.
  1. Understand the nature and working of these processes.
  2. Comprehended the necessity of control and balance in emotions and nurturing of interests and above all attention, how learning takes place, how can memory be improved upon, and the like.
  3. Understand the concept of Intelligence and the theories of Intelligence.
  • Developed a clear understanding of the types and uses of Intelligence tests.
  • Critically analyzed the concept of Emotional Intelligence and EQ.

CC-4Philosophical Foundation of education

Course Objectives:

  1. To help develop the place and significance of philosophy in education
  2. To absorb the understanding meaning of philosophy and its relation to education.
  • To familiar with the western school of philosophies on education
  1. To help achieve an understanding of the concept of social philosophies much needed to develop and integrate humanity.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the Importance of philosophy in education
  2. Develop an idea into the world of Indian philosophy through Sankhya, Yoga, Understand the application of the educational principles in human existence through the two philosophies.
  • Assess and compare the four western schools of philosophies.
  1. Examine the reasons why not only within the country, but also to establish respect and adjustment to achieve international understanding
  2. Compare between the two ancient non-Vedic philosophies of India of Buddhism and Jainism.


CC-5 Sociological Foundation of Education

Course Objectives:

  1. To understand in detail the role of social groups, their impact on personality development and the process followed to attain socialization.
  2. To develop in the students a clear idea of the need and processes involved in social change, the concept of social mobility and stratification achieved through the varying social interaction method
  • A concept formation of the place of communication and its impact on culture, Religion, economy and Education.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Understand the need of studding Sociology and its role importance in our lives.
  2. Concept development of what it means social groups and the processing which the different groups impact human development.
  • Understood the evolutionary process of social change and the methods in which education brings about effective positive social change.
  1. Understood the existing relationship amongst culture, religion, technology and Economy that facilitated by the role of education to bring about desirable changes in society.

CC-6 Educational Organization, Management and Planning

Course Objectives:

  1. Differentiating between organization and management.
  2. Analyzing the essential functions of educational management.
  • Understanding the different aspects of school plant.
  1. Delineating the different aspects of planning like steps, types, aims and objectives.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Understand the clear concepts of organization, management, educational organization and differentiate among them.
  2. Identify the features of a library, time table and the principles in their organization.
  • Relate their own experiences while learning the features of school medical service, workshop and computer laboratory.
  1. Explain the concept of planning
  2. Distinguish the different steps of educational planning.
  3. Analyze the different types of educational planning.

CC-7 Guidance and Counselling

Course Objectives:

  1. Understanding the concept of guidance
  2. Understanding the concept of counseling.
  • Identify and differentiating the various types of guidance.
  1. Analyzing the basic data necessary for Guidance.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Enabled students to develop an understanding of meaning, functions, need, types and techniques of guidance and counselling.
  2. They got acquainted with the basic data necessary for Guidance and techniques for collecting and maintaining them.

SECA1:Skills for Democratic Citizenship

Course Objectives:

  1. To give them an unlimited of fundamental rights and duties.
  2. To make the students understanding the details of the Citizenship Act.
  • Develop an understanding of the different forms of child abuse.
  1. Gain insight into the various rights for the protection of Children.

Course Objectives:

  1. Acquired profound knowledge in their constitutional Rights and duties as Citizenship
  2. Developed knowledge about the different forms of child abuse and rights for the protection of children.
  • Comprehend the legal measures embedded in the POCSO Act of the government and gained knowledge of child’s Rights and their protections from environmental harassment.
  1. Explain the concept of a Citizen.
  2. Developed an idea that to enjoy rights we have to perform duties.


CC-8 Technology in Education

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop an understanding of educational technology
  2. Acquaint the students with the system approach.
  • Develop an understanding of the use of computer in education and communication.
  1. To get acquainted with the instructional techniques and different models of teaching, ICT & E-learning.
  2. Aquent students with different instructional techniques and develop in them the ability to analyze classroom behavior and group dynamics.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Summarize the nature and need of a system approach in classroom and understood the components that make scup the systems approach.
  2. Understood the significance of computers in the educational process.
  • Reflects on the idea that classroom communications is a skill to be mastered by using verbal and nonverbal technical usage together and disseminate
  1. Acquired knowledge about the different forms of mass instructional and personalized instructional techniques.
  2. Critically analyze the different models of teaching, their components and significance.
  3. Comprehend the need for integration of ICT in teaching learning Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

CC-9 Curriculum Studies

Course Objectives:

  1. Comprehend the different between knowledge, expertise and activity-based curriculum.
  2. Comprehend content selection, instructional objectives and evaluation of theories of instructions.
  • Develop a critical understanding of curriculum and its diverse approaches.
  1. Orient the students with the numerous mechanisms involved with curriculum planning and development
  2. Comprehend the diverse methods of curriculum evaluation and reform.
  3. Understand the National Curriculum Framework 2005

Course Outcomes:

  1. Understand the need for evaluation, reform and development of a curriculum
  2. Relevance of objectives, course outcomes, models of evaluation was understood
  • Comprehend the basic features as well as develop a critical understanding of the National Curriculum Framework 2005

CC-10 Inclusive Education

Course Objectives:

  1. Comprehend the types of exclusive and their causes
  2. Understand the meaning of inclusive and exclusion
  • Learn how to bring about inclusion in different spheres
  1. Understand the concept of SC,ST,OBC Groups gender and sexuality
  2. Analyses the causes of social exclusion
  3. Understand the concept of social inclusion, role of education
  • Identify the features and significance of education for peaceful co-existence.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Understand the meaning of inclusion and exclusion
  2. Critically analyze the barriers in Inclusion and elements necessary for creating an inclusive society
  • Summaries the role playing by school and society in creating a barrier-free environment
  1. Analyze the different types of disability
  2. Understand the importance of building an inclusive school for a multicultural society
  3. Evaluate the features and signs of education for peaceful co-existence

SEC B: Teaching Skills

Course Objectives:

  1. Explain the nature and definition of skills of teaching
  2. Identify and differentiate the different phases of teaching: pre active, inter active and post active
  • Evaluate the qualities of good learning design
  1. To help students understand the concept and nature of teaching
  2. To give a clear understanding and features of what constitutes different Types of Teaching

Course Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the principle of micro teaching as a training process to cultivate the skill of future teaching for those who will take it up as a profession
  2. Compare the concept of classroom teaching along with the difference amongst teaching, training and instruction receiving
  • Elaborate the need to have simulated teaching for mastering the skill of teaching and the features of integrated teaching where a unique combination of theory and practical are balanced through lesson deliberations
  1. Appraise the concept and importance of learning design.



CC-11Measurement and Evaluation in Education

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop an understanding of measurement, Assessment and evaluation
  2. Develop critical understanding of the types and steps of an evaluation process
  • Identify the tools and techniques of evaluation
  1. Understand the various criteria of a good tooland its construction

Course Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the difference between evaluation and measurement
  2. Concept like validity, reliability and techniques of evaluation were clearer to them which would help them in their future endeavors
  • Define the concept of tools and techniques and steps of an evaluation process
  1. Explain and illustrate the various Testing tools and techniques of of evaluation included in the syllabus
  2. Differentiate the non-testing tools -CRC and portfolio and interview and questionnaire.

CC-12 Statistics in Education

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop the concept of statistics and the skill in Analyzing descriptive measures
  2. Understanding the concept and Normal Probability Curve and its uses in Education
  • Develop a concept of measures of relationship
  1. Develop skills for organization, graphical representation and analyze data

Course Outcomes:

  1. Critically Understand the concept of statistics and the skill of calculating and applying descriptive statistics
  2. Developed the skills in organizing graphically representing and analyzing data
  • Comprehend the concept, characteristics and application of Normal probability Curve
  1. Developed the skill of calculating statistical measures, analysis of them and interpretation of data.

DSE A: Educational thought of Great Educators

Course Objectives:

  1. Learn about western and Indian Education
  2. Tell their contribution in the world of education
  • Learn how education have changed the world of education

Course Outcomes:

  1. Learn how he changed the world of education
  2. Begam Rokeya will know the history of education
  • A comparison can be made between the educational ideas of education

DSE B: Teacher Education

Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the basic concept of teacher education
  2. To explain the historical perspective and development of teacher education
  • To enable students to understand the Role of the different agencies in teacher education

Course Outcomes:

  1. Find out how the positions of teachers the hanged
  2. Know about the functions of NUEPA, NCTE in teacher education



CC-13 Psychology of Adjustment

Course Objectives:

  1. To achieve a clear concept of the essentials of adjustment and the development of maladjustment tendencies leading to some common behavioral problems in people
  2. To become acquainted with the DSM-IV classification of mental disorders
  • To attain an idea of the multiple coping strategies to manage frustrations and stressful situations
  1. To have an idea about the administration, scoring and interpretation of the psychological tests
  2. required to deal with problem individual.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Acquired knowledge with the idea of the need to be well adjusted in their process of development and became aware of the features that marks healthy social adjustment.
  2. A thorough knowledge was gained by them through participatory methods regarding maladjustment and subsequent growth of delinquent tendencies different therapies that governs therapeutic measures.
  • To attain an idea of the multiple coping strategies to manage frustrations and stressful situations
  1. To have an idea about the administration, scoring and interpretation of the psychological tests
  2. required to deal with problem individuals.
  3. A thorough knowledge was gained by them in DSM5 Axis 2 regarding the identification of personality disorders of multiple types.
  • As methods of treatment students understood the nature and effect of different therapies to relieve man from disorders
  • Awareness of what constitutes stress and discussed at length personal and environmental stress.
  1. They received well the different coping strategies to reduce stress from everyday life.
  2. Learnt about administration, Scoring and Interpretation of various Psychological Test

CC-14: Basic Concept of Education Research:

Course Objectives:

  1. Acquaint the students with various steps involved in research
  2. Develop the skill to write research proposal and review research papers
  • Develop understanding of the concept of education research


  1. Develop a clear understanding of definition, meaning and concept of research
  2. Comprehend the idea of educational research and various types
  • Develop a clear understanding of sampling and critically analyze the types of sampling * Write a research proposal on their own
  1. Critically analyze the problems and issues of ethics involved in research
  2. Develop a clear understanding of sampling and critically analyze the types of
  3. Sampling.
  • Differentiate between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
  • Write a Research Proposal on their own

DSE A: Population Education

Course Objectives:

  1. Comprehend the concept and meaning of quality of life and human resource development
  2. Identify the impact of population growth and responsibilities of family members
  • Justify the important role of the school in understanding
  1. Understand the concept of population education
  2. Identify the population education programmed in India

Course Outcomes:

  1. Explain the factors of population
  2. Analyze the need and objectives of population study were known.
  • Evaluate the scope of population education in school
  1. Explain the role of the teacher and youth in creating awareness of population problems
  2. Understand certain ideas like birth rate, mortality rate, migration.

DSE B: Women Education

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand the various policy perspectives and committees and Commissions on Women Education
  2. Familiarize the students with the historical and policy perspectives of Women Education
  • Learner to identify the major constraints of Women Education and Women Empowerment.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Participate in discussing from real life situations the different forms of constraints women face achieved to empower them for their equal status can dignified existence through educational measures
  2. Develop historical and policy perspective of Women Education
  • Learn to pay respect of Raja Rammohan Roy and Vidyasagar.