About Library
The College has a rich and useful library consisting of nearly 16,000 books, (reference and text), along with about 10 magazines, periodicals and several newspapers.
- Lending Section: Each student will be provided 2 library cards. A lending card enables the student to borrow one book at a time from College Library. A student may take any material – books, journals, magazines, newspapers – even restricted Reference Works, from the library and peruse it in the Reading Room, from 10 M. to 5 P.M. every working day. Library Provides Open access facility.
- Reading Room: There is a separate Reading Room section which is open from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. Here the students can engage themselves in serious study, either using their own books or the text-books available in this section. Question papers of the Semester and Mid-Semester examinations are kept in the Reading Room, for reference.
- Reference Section: We have general Encyclopedia like Britannica, Americana, Soviet, and Encyclopedia on various subjects, dictionaries on languages and subjects, directories, manuals, handbooks etc. and copies of most of the text books that the students need. We also subscribe to significant number of journals and about 6000+ e-journals through INFLIBNET-NLIST.
- Computerization: The College Library was partially automated with KOHA open-source Integrated Library Management Software since 2018. In December 2021 the College Library has hosted the Koha (Version on the web with the assistance of a vendor (www.aviortechnologies.co.in) and since then College Library provides web-based access of library resources to its users. The barcoding process in the Library is going on and about 90% of books have been barcoded.
Rules and Regulations
- A person eligible for membership is required to fill up the membership from obtainable from the library counter and submit the same duly signed by the competent recommending authority as member of the
- Each student member will be issued one lending card and another reading room card (Not Transferable) for borrowing books to home and using reference materials for the reading room There are certain guidelines to be followed by the students.
- Students are not allowed in the library without library Readers must maintain silence in the reading room and abide by the rule of the library.
- Use of library cards except the bona fide persons is strictly
- Loss or damage of any library book requires replacement with current If the lost book is not available, the borrower will have to pay a fine to be determined by the principal in addition to the price of the book. The borrower will lose the right to use the library till the loss is made up.
- Loss of library cards must be reported to the librarian and duplicate card will be issued on payment of 10/-.
Dr. Jaga Mohan Basantia, Teacher-In-Charge (Chairman)
Mazid Ali Shah (Convenor)
Sabyasachi Mondal
Sukumar Ghosh
Krishna Patra Khanra
Library Staff:
Name |
Mazid Ali Shah |
Designation |
Librarian |
Qualification |
Mobile No. |
9735255419 |
Email Id. |
mazidalishah@gmail.com |
Profile |

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