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  • gmvm81@gmail.com

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  • বাংলা ভাষায় রচিত সাহিত্যকর্ম বাংলা সাহিত্য নামে পরিচিত। আনুমানিক খ্রিষ্টীয় সপ্তম শতাব্দীর মাঝামাঝি বাংলা ভাষায় সাহিত্য রচনার সূত্রপাত হয়। খ্রিষ্টীয় দশম থেকে দ্বাদশ শতাব্দীর মধ্যবর্তী সময়ে রচিত বৌদ্ধ দোহা-সংকলন চর্যাপদ বাংলা সাহিত্যের প্রাচীনতম নিদর্শন। আবিষ্কারক হরপ্রসাদ শাস্ত্রী আরও তিনটি গ্রন্থের সঙ্গে চর্যাগানগুলি নিয়ে সম্পাদিত গ্রন্থের নাম দেন ” হাজার বছরের পুরাণ বাঙ্গালা ভাষায় রচিত বৌদ্ধ গান ও দোহা “। মধ্যযুগীয় বাংলা সাহিত্য ছিল কাব্যপ্রধান। হিন্দুধর্ম, ইসলাম ও বাংলার লৌকিক ধর্মবিশ্বাসগুলিকে কেন্দ্র করে গড়ে উঠেছিল এই সময়কার বাংলা সাহিত্য। মঙ্গলকাব্য, বৈষ্ণব পদাবলি, শাক্তপদাবলি, বৈষ্ণব সন্তজীবনী, রামায়ণ, মহাভারত ও ভাগবতের বঙ্গানুবাদ, পীরসাহিত্য, নাথসাহিত্য, বাউল পদাবলিএবং ইসলামি ধর্মসাহিত্য ছিল এই সাহিত্যের মূল বিষয়। বাংলা সাহিত্যে আধুনিকতার সূত্রপাত হয় খ্রিষ্টীয় অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দীতে। ঊনবিংশ শতাব্দীতে বাংলার নবজাগরণের যুগে কলকাতা শহরকে কেন্দ্র করে বাংলা সাহিত্যে এক নতুন যুগের সূচনা হয়। এই সময় থেকে ধর্মীয় বিষয়বস্তুর বদলে মানুষ, মানবতাবাদ ও মানব-মনস্তত্ত্ব বাংলা সাহিত্যের প্রধান আলোচ্য বিষয় হয়ে ওঠে। ১৯৪৭ সালে ভারত বিভাগের পর বাংলা সাহিত্যও দুটি ধারায় বিভক্ত হয়: কলকাতা-কেন্দ্রিক পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সাহিত্য ও ঢাকা-কেন্দ্রিক বাংলাদেশের সাহিত্য। বর্তমানে বাংলা সাহিত্য বিশ্বের একটি অন্যতম, সমৃদ্ধ সাহিত্যধারা হিসেবে পরিগণিত হয়ে থাকে।
  • Debottam Sarkar


    View Profile
  • Abhijit Das


  • Ishita Mukherjee


  • Nasrin Mridha


  • Dulali Saren

    Assistant Professor

  • Dr Surojit Bag

    Assistant Professor

Bengali honours undergraduate
UG Programme Outcome

PO1. Critical Thinking: Take informed actions after identifying the assumptions that frame thinking and action, checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and looking at our ideas and decisions (Intellectual, Organization and personal) from different perspectives.
PO2. Effective Communication: Speak, Read, Write and Listen clearly in person or through electronic Media in English and in one Indian language, and make meaning of the world by connecting people, ideas, books, media and technology.
PO3. Social Interaction: Elicit views of others, mediate disagreement and help reach conclusions in group settings.
PO4. Effective Citizenship: Demonstrate empathic social concern and equity centred national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.
PO5. Ethics: Recognize different value systems including your own, understand the moral dimensions of your decisions and accept responsibility for them.
PO6. Environmental and Sustainability: Understand the issues of Environmental contexts and sustainable development.
PO7. Self-Directed and life-lo0ng learning: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest contexts socio-technological changes.

UG Programme specific outcome

 Structuring a meaningful arguments and liberal mindset.
 After completing the education, our curriculum will help the student to become self-reliant in their future life, now they will become useful in fulfilling their social responsibilities by researching various subject.
 Realizing the basics of literature and properly criticize it by methods and theories
 Philosophically viewing knowledge with pace of thought process.
 Giving an idea of Cultural Revolution, language, literature, heritage, history and eco-politics.
 After studying the entire syllabus, student will get a complete understanding of Bengali language, literature and contemporary socio-economic, cultural life.
 Constructing the ideas of social development and changes.
 Involving in literary progress, reasoning with deep understanding.
 By teaching different varieties of Bengali literature, the students will acquire proper knowledge about the contemporary Indian and Western society, history, culture, civilization etc. and the course will play a helpful role as the basis of what will be their proper role in the development of social life.


UG Programme Course Outcome
Paper Name
History of Bengali Literature(up to 1800 A.D.)
*An idea of social characteristics of mediaeval age.
* Consciousness on and about ancient Bengali literature.
*Primary idea on linguistics.
*An elaborate idea on Bengali language and linguistics.
History of Bengali
Literature (19th Century)
*A Conception about modern poet and poetics and developments of Bengali drama.
*Prose-works and its history
Bengali Literature
(Primary Concept)
*A Conception about ancient poetry as well as modern one.
*Develop their creative writing.
History of Bengali
Literature (20th Century)
*An idea on mapping of literature with new eras.
*Differentiate History and Literature.
Historical Philology
*Idea about the inner-science of Language.
*Different age of Philology.
Novels & Short Stories
*Enjoy the narratives.
*Concept about Society as well as country.
Pre modern literature
*Development of aesthetic sense.
*Sense about a Certain era.
Rhetoric, Prosody & Poetics
*Idea about Bengali language.
*Poetics Rhetoric with poetical methods.
Essay & Comprehension
*Notion about framing the prose.
*Express an idea through their articulacy.
Structure of Literature
*Different stylistics of literature.
*Develop the sense of literary-essence.
Drama & Stage
*Enjoy the text of drama.
*Perception of stage and play.
Modern Poetry
*Awareness of different style of talented poets.
*Love to read & write
History of Sanskrit ,English & Hindi
*Compare the different literary essence.
*Senses about the brilliance of different literature.



Sl.No Day No. of Holidays
1 English New Year’s Day 01/01/2024 Monday 01
2 Birthday of Swami Vivekananda 12/01/2024 Friday 01
3 Makar Sankranti 15/01/2024 Monday 01
4 Birthday of Netaji 23/01/2024 Tuesday 01
5 University Foundation Day 24/01/2024 Wednesday 01
6 Republic day 26/01/2023 Friday 01
7 Day before Saraswati Puja 13/02/2024 Tuesday 01
8 Birthday of Thakur Panchanan Barma  and Saraswati Puja 14/02/2024 Wednesday 01
9 Shab-e-Barat 26/02/2024 Monday 01
10 Shivratri 08/03/2024 Friday 01
11 Doljatra 25/03/2024 Monday 01
12 Holi 26/03/2024 Tuesday 01
13 Good Friday 29/03/2024 Friday 01
14 Easter Saturday 30/03/2024 Saturday 01
15 Day before Id-Ul-Fitar 10/04/2024 Wednesday 01
15 Id-Ul-Fitar 11/04/2024 Thursday 01
17 Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14/04/2024 Sunday 00
18 Bengali New Year’s Day (Nababarsha) 15/04/2024 Monday 01
19 Mahavir Jayanti 21/04/2024 Sunday 00
20 May Day 01/05/2024 Wednesday 01
21 Birthday of Rabindra Nath Tagore 08/05/2024 Wednesday 01
22 Buddha Purnima 23/05/2024 Thursday 01
23 Id-Ul-Zoha(Bakrid) 17/06/2024 Monday 01
24 Rathayatra 07/07/2024 Sunday 00
25 College Foundation Day 11/07/2024 Thursday 01
26 Muhharam 17/07/2024 Wednesday 01
27 Independence Day 15/08/2024 Thursday 01
28 Rakhi Purnima 19/08/2024 Monday 01
29 Janmastami 26/08/2024 Monday 01
30 Fatehe-Dwaz-Daham 16/09/2024 Monday 01
31 Viswakarma Puja 17/09/2024 Tuesday 01
32 Gandhi Jayanti &  Mahalaya 02/10/2024 Wednesday 01
33 Puja Vacation 07/10/2024 to 04/11/2024 Monday to Monday 29
34 Chhat Puja 07/11/2024 Thursday 01
35 Additional Day After Chhat Puja 08/11/2024 Friday 01
36 Jagaddhatri Puja 10/11/2024 Sunday 00
37 Birthday of Birsa Munda &  Birthday of Guru Nanak 15/11/2024 Friday 01
38 Christmas Holidays 25/12/2024 to 31/12/2024 Wednesday to Tuesday 07