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Core Values & Code of Conduct

The Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir is committed to following a set of enduring Core Values. These values are focused on the development of a sustainable institution and serve to guide the institution through changing times and shape our Mission, Vision, and Goals.


Academic Excellence and Success:

We value high quality education via a robust curriculum designed by the University of Calcutta to meet the career and transfer needs of our community.  We equally value quality and high standards in instruction and an environment of academic success and wellness for all of our students through effectively integrated support services, enhanced by professional growth for faculty and staff.

Transformational Learning and Growth:

We value and promote creativity, self expression, and critical thinking. We value learning and the pursuit of knowledge as lifelong processes of transformational personal and societal growth.

Assessment and Improvement:

We value continuous improvement through the assessment of student learning outcomes, program effectiveness, and our decision-making processes.  We use the results of these assessments to pursue improvements in our practices and student outcomes.

Vital Community and Access:

We value and believe it is essential to assist members of the rural and deprived community in gaining access to higher education and achieving success in their chosen endeavors. Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir values its role in the community and is dedicated to strengthening and enriching the quality of life of all those we serve.

Positive Campus Environment:

We value and strive to preserve the unique cultural and aesthetic environment Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir which is welcoming, pleasing, and safe.

Participatory Decision Making:

We value participatory decision making that provides each of us the opportunity to contribute ideas, bring forth concerns, and explore options in developing consensus. We value the roles of our leaders and representatives, share with them our impressions on matters of importance, and trust them to carry our input forward for discussion and consensus building.

Civic Awareness:

We value civic and global awareness of contemporary issues. We promote the understanding and betterment of society and our world by engaging our students, staff and surrounding community in meaningful discussions and activities.

Social Responsibility

We respect the dignity of every individual and promote responsible citizenship and civic engagement. We advocate for social justice on local, national and global levels. We act on our social responsibilities and empower others to do the same.

Environmental Sustainability:

We value our living planet by accepting responsibility and adopting practices to protect the environment for future generations and sharing these values with others.

Institutional Wellness:

We value an institutional attitude and culture that promotes and supports total health and wellness of staff and students.


We value teamwork, collaboration, communication, courtesy, and respect both on campus and with the surrounding community.


We value a community that embraces diversity, fosters individuality, provides an accessible, supportive climate, and encourages a variety of perspectives and opinions.

Experiential Learning

Education is a human making process, so we believe in that education which provides firsthand experience of real life situation, develop all human values and enable him/her to be a useful and productive member of the society. Keeping these in view, our educators purposefully engage with students in direct and firsthand experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop understanding, skills, and clarify all sort of values among them.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct outlines the principles, expectations, and responsibilities for students, faculty, and staff at Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir to maintain a respectful, ethical, and professional learning environment.

General Conduct

All individuals must uphold honesty, integrity, and ethical behaviour in academic and personal interactions.

Respect for faculty, staff, students, and visitors is expected at all times.

Discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form will not be tolerated.

College property and facilities must be used responsibly. Vandalism or misuse of resources is prohibited.

A. Academic Integrity

     1. Cheating and any form of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited.

2. Students must complete their assignments, projects, and examinations with honesty.

B. Attendance and Discipline

1. Students must maintain a minimum attendance percentage as per University regulations.

2. Late arrivals and absenteeism should be justified with valid reasons.

3. Indiscipline, including disruption of classes or misconduct, will result in disciplinary action.

C. Respect and Inclusivity

1. The college promotes a diverse and inclusive environment. Disrespect or discrimination based on gender, caste, religion, or socioeconomic background is unacceptable.

2. Freedom of speech is encouraged but must be exercised responsibly and respectfully.

D. Use of College Facilities

1. Students should maintain cleanliness and decorum in library, classrooms, labs, Canteen and common areas.

2. Unauthorized use of college property or resources is prohibited.

3. Any damage caused must be reported and compensated.

E. Dress Code

1. Clothing that is offensive or disruptive to the academic environment is not permitted.

F. Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices

1. The use of mobile phones is restricted in classrooms, libraries, and examination halls unless permitted by faculty.

2. Misuse of electronic devices, including recording without permission, is prohibited.

G. Anti-Ragging Policy

1. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and will result in severe disciplinary action(as per UGC REGULATIONS

2. Students must report any incidents of ragging immediately.

H. Substance Abuse and Misconduct

1. Possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco on campus is strictly forbidden.

2. Any behaviour under the influence of such substances will be dealt with strictly.

I. Grievance Redressal

1. Students and staff may report grievances through the official grievance redressal mechanism.

2. Complaints will be addressed in a fair, confidential, and timely manner.

J. Social Media and Online Behaviour

1. Responsible use of social media is expected. Cyberbullying, spreading false information, or sharing inappropriate content related to the college will lead to disciplinary action.

2. Official college-related information should be shared only through authorized channels.

Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in warnings, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense