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College Journal

The All Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary  Research and Education (AIJMRE) is being published by the Research and Publication Sub-committee of Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir from the year 2022. The AIJMRE is Peer Reviewed Journal . The AIJMRE publishes original research work on

  • Social Science
  • Language and Literature
  • Business and Management
  • Education

Aim and Scope

The All Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary  Research and Education (AIJMRE) is aimed at publishing original research in Language & Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Commerece, Business and Management, Library Scienece & Environmental Sciences in the form of articles, short communications, and features and perspectives. Fragmentation of research into small individual papers is discouraged. Sufficient detail must be included to enable others to repeat the work.

Frequency of Publication

The AIJMRE is a biannual journal, formally published each year by 1st week of January and 1st week of July. Author(s) can submit their research paper to AIJMRE at any time throughout the year. The accepted papers will be published in the upcoming issue and the authors will be informed by email in due time.

Publication Fee

No fee is required for publication of an article to AIJMRE. Only originality and quality of paper is required for publication to AIJMRE.


By submitting an article to AIJMRE for publication author(s) accept the ‘Publishing Agreement’ and thereby transfer the copyright to the publisher of AIJMRE. However, the author(s) will retain certain rights such as to use for a seminar, to use for the preparation of a lecture.

Submit Online

  • To submit your research work for pulication in AIJMRE go to Submit Paper link.
  • For queries please contact Meskat Kamal Molla (Convenor) Research and Publication Sub-committee Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir, Gangadharpur, Howrah-711302, West Bengal, INDIA.

  • Email: gmvm.ac.in  Phone: (+91)33 2679 0052

Editorial Board

  1. Meskat Kamal Molla(Convenor)
  2. Moumita Sarkar
  3. Sabyasachi Mondal
  4. Mukesh Saha
  5. Ishita Mukherjee
  6. Mazid Ali Shah

Instructions to Author

The All Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary  Research and Education (AIJMRE) is published bi-yearly adopting the continuous publication model and submission is open to researchers in the field of Language & Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Commerece, Business and Management, Library Scienece & Environmental Sciences subjects areas across the globe. All papers are subject to screening by the Editorial Board followed by a blinded peer-review by experts in the concerned field. Authors are advised to read our editorial policies to understand our review process. All papers are accepted subject to editorial change
All person designated as authors should qualify for authorship. Authorship credit should be based only on significant contributions to
1. Conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data.
2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
3. Final approval of the version to be published.
Submission of manuscript
All manuscripts are reviewed by an editor and members of the Editorial Board or Qualified outside reviewers. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible.
Preparation of the Manuscript
Manuscript must be written in clear and concise English. Either British or American spelling is acceptable. It must be sent in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). General format of the research papers should be as follows in given template:
1. Title page
2. Abstract and keywords
3. Introduction
4. Materials and methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. Acknowledgement (if any)
9. References
Title Page
The title page should include:
The title of the article, should be concise and informative.
Name of all the authors limited to 6 authors (with one forename of each author in full) followed by their affiliations: department, institution, city, pin code and country. If more than one department or institution is involved, author’s name should be linked to appropriate institutions/departments by inserting consecutive numbers in superscript after relevant names to which the work should be attributed.
Name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail ID of the corresponding author.
Running title-containing not more than 50 characters.

Abstract: The second page should carry an abstract of not more than 250 words. For full research paper, the abstract should be structured into four components-

Keywords: Below the abstract, provide keywords (minimum three but not more than six) in alphabetical orders separated by a comma.
Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the study. Briefly summarize the rationale of the study and clearly indicate the lacunae or deficiencies  in previous studies for which present study has been taken up. Give only pertinent references. Do not review the subject extensively.
Research Methods or Methodology: The paper must clearly define the research methods or methodologies used in it. (Mandatory for research articles)
Results: Include number of observations and the statistical significance of the findings appropriately. Detailed statistical analyses, mathematical derivations, and the like may sometimes be suitably presented in the form of one or more appendices. Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data already given in tables, illustrations or both. Emphasize and summarize only important observations. Each table should be typed continuously with the text. Legends for illustrations/figures should be typed continuously with the text.
Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions derived from them. Do not repeat in details data given in the results section. Include in the discussion the implications of the findings and their limitations and relate the research topics. Link the conclusion with the goals of the study but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by your data. Discussion should be relevant and an unnecessary lengthy presentation should be avoided.
A very brief summary note of the work with a concluding remark should be given. This should include the novelty and implication of the work and its contribution to the upliftment of the present scientific knowledge in general.
References should be in the following format (As per Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.)


Author, A. A. (Publication Date). Full title of the article: Including subtitle. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), first page-last page. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxxx


Author, A. A. (Publication Year). Full title of the book: Including subtitle. Location: Publisher.

Journal Article
Nyhan, B. & Reifler, J. (2010). When corrections fail: The persistence of political misperceptions. Political Behavior, 32(2), 303-330.

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